“It’s like a whole new world!”
These were the words coming out of the mouth of my six-year old son. Fear had kept him from swimming and enjoying summer fun for many years now. My husband and I had worked with him, he had taken many swimming lessons, and we had threatened to not let him near water until he would try to go under. His stubbornness would not budge. Time after time when he would go under he would come up crying as if it were the end of the world. Until one day, I forced him under water. Grabbing his body to mine and cradling him close, I held his arms and legs and submerged both of us. Coming up, I expected him to throw a fit but before he could start I exclaimed, “Did you see the bubbles come out of my nose?” Laughing he shook his head yes. Doing it again and again I managed to sink him under in many different ways, each time with no tears. After that he took off on his own, swimming like a fish, and exclaiming loudly about how cool it was under the water. Thrilled, I gave him praise and was astonished at the change.

Month after month I live in a constant state of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of the future. This month I have decided to turned all that fear to my Lord and Savior. Lifting my hands to him, I visualize my fear and Him taking it and giving me peace in it's place. Peace, like arms cradling me, carrying me through the water, taking me under to a new world.
For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7